The BC Funeral Association is dedicated to serving our valued members, with our passion for excellence, innovation, and advocacy. Our membership includes a diverse group of bereavement businesses and professionals, including funeral homes, cemeteries, crematoriums, suppliers, funeral directors, and celebrants. We welcome feedback from all our members and aim to provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and professional development.
Membership Benefits
Discover how a BC Funeral Association membership can assist you or your business, by connecting with other like-minded, aligned professionals and organizations. Members also benefit from the enhanced representation of the interests of funeral service professionals with the government on all matters relating to the establishment and enforcement of legislation.
Membership Options
We have several membership options to serve our valued members. We are here to support your career and business, whatever aspect of the funeral profession you operate in.

Funeral Homes & Crematoriums
We have membership options for funeral homes and crematoriums and are committed to supporting you in all aspects of your business, with the resources you need to serve your community and make your business a success.

The BC Funeral Association welcomes our cemetery members, from public advocacy to keeping you updated on provincial legislation and supporting you with your business, we are here for you.

Suppliers & Affiliates
We value funeral service suppliers and affiliates with membership options to suit your needs. Make connections throughout the province with networking opportunities the BC Funeral Association can facilitate.
Frequently asked questions
Can’t find the answers you are looking for? Maybe our frequently asked questions can help you out!
From how to enrol, what the member benefits are and what a membership with the BC Funeral Association looks like, we have a team of professionals to support you when answering these questions.
If you’re still looking for more clarity and want to know what the first steps look like, you can reach out to us at any time to discuss your options.
We look forward to hearing from you.