Athena Theodorakakis

Athena Theodorakakis

Athena is the Association’s current President, serving a two-year term

Athena has been with the BCFA since 2015 serving as Chair of the Education and Apprenticeship committee, Finance Chair and is excited to act as President of the Association for a two-year term (2023-2025).

Having a background in tourism and hospitality, Athena found her calling into Funeral Service in 2005. Her career began at SCI’s Forest Lawn and Ocean View Funeral Homes. In 2016, Athena discovered an opportunity to work with Kearney Funeral Services. She changed paths in 2022 to assist funeral homes who were experiencing staffing shortages on an at-need basis.

In April 2024, Athena joined the team at Arbutus Funeral Service in Langley, BC.

She is passionate about all things funeral and is grateful for every chance to serve others.

Athena enjoys spending time with her family, sweating through Irish Dance lessons, and cheering on Liverpool FC.