We are excited to share that our advocacy efforts are starting to be heard. On December 4th, we visited David Galbraith, Deputy Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction to continue our push for an increase in funding for the Provincial Burial Program. A few days later, Global News picked up our story and ran it on the News Hour. Take a look at the segment.

Latest News
605, 2024
2024 Education Consultation Session

Before the AGM kicks off our 2024 Conference, we will be holding an important session to discuss the future of our Education Program. The session will be held 10:45-11:45am [...]

1103, 2024
2024/25 Apprenticeship Update

Education News This year, we are offering 2 intakes to the Embalmer and Funeral Director Apprenticeship Program. The first intake will allow for 25 applicants. A second intake will [...]

2002, 2024
February Member News

Apprenticeship and Education Our Education Program has been approved by SkilledTradesBC for renewal until 2029. This allows us to continue the school with the financial assistance of SkilledTradesBC as [...]